I would like you to look through the powerpoint (below) which shows some information on different animals found in Australia. I have found some facts about them, however, I haven't got anywhere near enough to make my powerpoint detailed enough! Your task is to choose one of the animals and find out as much as you can about them to inform a more detailed information text.
Go through the powerpoint presentation and choose which animal interests you the most.
Create a mind map of questions that you would like to find out about the animal - think of the 5w's for example: Where does it live? What does it eat? Who are it's predators? When will it hunt for food? Why is it only found in Australia? There are of course lots of questions that you can ask to inform your research.
Start to research your chosen animal - reading non-fiction texts from the websites suggested for you in the links. Try and answer your own questions with as much detail as you can.
Read the information text that I have included for your year group. You will notice that these texts are nothing to do with Australia - these are merely examples of informational texts for you to highlight the key features. I would like you to list the features as a success criteria:
To write a successful information text I need to include:
a title
an opening paragraph
a picture or diagram with caption
paragraphs that are organised around a theme
topic related vocabulary
facts and statistics
fronted adverbials
I will put up the key features that I found and a success criteria later in the week.
Can you comment on how the writing is organised? What sort of vocabulary can you spot? Can you see any ambitious punctuation, conjunctions, sentence structures? This will help you structure and construct your own information text.
Plan your information text using the template I have put on here. Think about how you will introduce your text, what vocabulary you would like to use and how you would organise your information that you have researched.
Use your planning and vocabulary list to create your information text. Make sure that it looks good and catches the reader's attention. How would you encourage the reader to want to read more?
Edit your work - check the success criteria that I have uploaded. Have you got everything? Have you checked your spellings? Have you made sure that your writing makes sense?
Email your work to me or one of the other KS2 staff:
I will then organise the information into a new Powerpoint presentation for you all to see!
Good Luck - if you need any help at all, please get in touch!
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