Ashley has Treacher Collins syndrome meaning he was born without a jaw, cheekbones and ears. Ashley shows us how he gets around the daily challenges that his...
Watch the video that tell's you Ashley's story.
Think about what it would be like to be Ashley.
What condition does Ashley have?
What does it mean?
What is different about Ashley’s ears?
How do his hearing difficulties affect him?
Think about what it would be like if Ashley was a pupil at our school or came to live at your house. Which places or objects might be particularly noisy: Where might he not be able to hear properly? Where might he miss hearing something important? Is there anywhere where he might be in danger if he couldn’t hear properly?
I would like you to think of five questions that could be used to test how noisy different places are. Examples might be: Are there are lot of people there? Are there cars, buses or lorries? Is there machinery? Do people play or shout there? Is there music there? Does sound echo there?
Explore the school or your house and mark places or things that might be particularly noisy on a map of the school or your home and garden which you can draw yourself. Record the noisy and quiet places them on the map.
Discuss the places you marked for Ashley. How do they feel when they spend time in these noisy places? Do they think Ashley would feel the same way? Why/why not?
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